Orders and payment

  • All orders are carefully prepared in our facilities, so all your orders should arrive in perfect condition. If not, please email us to contact@mariaalbertin.com
  • All orders are prepared in the same way: MARIA ALBERTIN White box, dust bag, care instructions guide and silk papers for protect shoes.
  • If you are struggling to complete your order or to navigate through our website, please refresh the page or restart your web browser. If the problem persists, please email us and our IT team will help you as soon as possible.
  • Our accepted payment methods are:
  • Credit/Debit card, through the payment Gateway from the spanish bank Banc Sabadell, which ensures maximum security on all the transactions. Accepted cards are VISA, MasterCard, and other international cards.
  • PayPal: an international payment operator with which you will be able to pay regardless of whether you are a PayPal account holder or not 
  • If you are experiencing any problem with your payment:

– Use an alternative credit card.

– Use an alternative payment method

– Restart your web browser and try again

– Delete the cookies from your computer or empty your cache memory. After that, try again.

– If your problems persist, get in touch with us by sending an email to contact@mariaalbertin.com